The time has come for two other Jones brothers. Now that they are big boys, sterilization is in order.
The third brother is already done because he is bigger and has stronger and faster hormones.
Sadly, and we apologize to him sincerely, it was made at a clinic where the butcher is in charge, which we weren't aware of.
He came back scared and shaking and that really is not him. His name is Relaxito because he is totally cool whatever happens. But this story another day.
Indy and Jones were on the way to the vet. First time in the car, so we expected everything. Turns out that smallest Indy is more relaxed than anyone. He stayed in his transport box all the time, cuddling the cover under him and looking curiously at the world around him.
Mr. Big Jones, on the other hand, was terrified. I think he knew where he came from Relaxito because he didn't like the car at all.
Both of them were assured that we were not taking them to the butcher, so they can be cool.
Didn't help of course. Jones searched all over the car for cover but didn't find any.
The clinic we went to is not far from our shelter, so we were there in ten minutes and the car
nightmare ended.
We brought the guys in, hugged both of them, and left.
In a few hours, we came back for them. They were calm and ready to go. As we found out, this clinic is a good one, and the people inside even better.
Jones cried a bit on the way home, but he was fine. No fear, no troubles.
Both of them just wanted the toilet a lot and because they are raised by us, they didn't go anywhere else, then litter, which we didn't have in-car of course. They were crying and we weren't able to help them.
Once we arrived at the shelter, we were running with them to the litter. When the door was opened, Indy did not make it and peed in the transport box.
A big hug was given to him, telling him how brave he is and how much he fights.
After sterilization, both are doing well again with no problems.
Except.................nobody still wants these awesome and beautiful creatures