There are really very few people here in Tenerife who are able to help and support cats and maybe animals overall.
The biggest support we got from Czech Republic. Isn't is wierd ? Their currency is much much lower value than EUR and they still are able to support others and help.
When we got any support here in Tenerife, it was always from english speaking people.
And not different it was now....
English speaking woman sent us a message. She was offering us excercise wheel for our cats. This fun cost around 200€ and more. The wheel is in perfect shape except the red foam. Its older and loosing color.
Anyway. It is very valuable gift and in any case we are very happy and thankfull for her support and help.
She has two cats her self already and she has place in heart to support others.
We have replaced the foam with new and immediately give it to our biggest. They were shy at first, but once they tried, then didnt want go down and was running whole night.
Thank you very much Myriam, we are greatful for your support and gift. Hope you get something you need or wish for in exchange of your help.
You are one of very few, who helped!