He was brought by for us unknown woman from other side of island with two ot

her cats. He was stray, but very nice and gentle with the woman who fed him on the street.
Love to animals and cat especialy, pushed her to do more than just feed him. And then she decide to bring him in.
He was very skinny and somehow in love with the woman. He was sad. Six days straight he was crying day and night. He didnt like dark, so we gave him a lamp for night. Many times we woke up to him at night to cuddle him, when he was really desperate and cried too much.
Endless hours was spent with him and explaning him the future. It was like he understand. When he wanted to show his love, he put his paw on my face and his eyes said: Dont worry, im already big boy.
These moments made us think alot. We was very much decided to keep him.
He was guarding kittens which was with him in same room and became their mentor. They was looking up to him and really loved and respected him.
Once when I fed him, there was some cat walking around. Chapo run to him and start to fight him. We had to stop it, but his eyes was only full of us and others if everyone is okay. That was last drop for us and we almost brought him home.
Then message came. Woman finally convinced her husband to keep Chapo, so she will come in few weeks for him. She was texting every few days how is he, asked for photos or videos and she was really in love with him as we was. I do really understand that and I saw how he love her. We couldnt steel one from each other.
Even if we was sad, because we almost brought him home, we are very happy he has family for life and he will be happy untill he meet "big cat"
Today he is few days already with them and he seems to be super happy. I wish him all the best in his life.
Stay cool pal. We love you!
