Panleukopenia - The cat killer
Latest News
from our cat shelter, country and world
How do they have millions of views?
Survived an attempt to murder!
Owner gets rid of the cat, like its a trash
Disaster brought me to paradise!
Impossible became reality
Nearly fallen angel
The Survivor
Beautiful ginger was found!
Jonses are going to be girls
Red Skull and surgery
We got a gift!
Group of dog lovers collected food for our cat shelter!
The happy day. Our best friend finally has a family for life!
New law to protect animals - Are cats finally safe?
How much veterinarians care about cats life?
Red Skull: Obtížná situace část 1 CZ
Red Skull: Difficult situation pt1
Alive in a trash closed in plastic bag!
Neighbor brought us cute hungry kitten found on street
Tenerife is out of Vaccines
Tenerife will sterilize feral cats around the Anaga park? Another empty promise ?
The disappearance of 27 felines from a colony in Juan Fernández - who is responsible?
Canary Islands allocating another € 273,000 to kill cats